Once an offboarding request is submitted, you will be assigned an offboarding ID. Throughout the offboarding process, this ID will be updated with the current status at each stage.
To find the offboarding status overview for all offboardings, log into your Workwize account.
1- Select 'Orders' found on the left-hand column
2- Then select 'all Offboardings'
3- The status updates can be located under the heading: Status
Please see all the statuses below:
- Request received: We've received your offboarding request, and our team are currently processing the offboarding.
Pending employee response: The employee has been contacted via email, and asked to click 'confirm details'. Once clicked, our logistics partner can proceed with scheduling a drop-off or pick-up.
- This step is crucial, as we cannot proceed further until the user clicks 'confirm details'. If the user is unresponsive during this status, we send follow-up emails and contact the user via phone and text. Three reminder emails are sent to the employee, to ensure we proceed with the next steps.
- Request being processed: When the employee clicks 'confirm details', this status will appear.
Pick-up/drop-off in progress: During this status, our logistics partner are scheduling a pick-up or drop-off request for the user. The employee will receive an email from our logistics partner, with either their return label or further questions to schedule a pick-up of their item(s).
- During this status an email is sent to the manager, to share an update.
Offboarding failed - No answer from user: After 3 chaser emails have been sent to the employee, the offboarding will appear as 'offboarding failed'. The chaser emails are sent every 3 days. This status will also appear for offboardings with the status 'pick-up/drop-off in progress' for 30 days.
- An email is sent to both the employee and manager to share an update. Managers have the option to change the status to either of the below:
- Restart the offboarding: our team will change the status to 'request received' and the offboarding will be re-processed from the start (starting with request received).
- Cancel the offboarding: our team will mark the offboarding as cancelled. No further emails will be sent to the manager or employee.
- An email is sent to both the employee and manager to share an update. Managers have the option to change the status to either of the below:
- Being stocked at warehouse: Shipment received by warehouse. This status indicates that the shipment is currently being stocked in at a warehouse and will soon be ready to order.
- Offboard Completed: This status appears once the warehouse and the logistics team have received all the item(s) listed under the offboarding ID. The returned item(s) will appear in your stock.
- Offboard Canceled: If the office manager requests for the offboarding to be cancelled, this status will appear.
Feel free to contact us via our chat or webform. We're happy to. help!